Friday, 13 December 2013

Relocating |

I'm relocating my blog to Tumblr - it was too much of a hassle to keep two blogs going!

Come join me at xo

Friday, 15 February 2013

Hart's Desire

Henry Hart stood on his front lawn in the shade of his enormous home, one arm rigidly wrapped around his wife's waist and the other resting awkwardly on his teenage daughter's shoulder. The photographer from the local paper, an inexperienced graduate named Gareth, fired off a quick shot.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

New Year, New World...

I'm so in love with St. Claire by Awesims, and so glad I made the switch from Los Aniegos (which was getting really buggy).

One of my favourite aspects about St. Claire is the dense, closed-in feeling you can get in the city/down town area.

I find too many worlds in TS3 feel like vast open spaces, when I really just want my little flat in the city.

St. Claire also has gorgeous suburban neighbourhoods, which is where I think I'll start the Hart family. But as soon as Ellie is old enough, she is definitely getting a little place in the bustling city.

I love the architecture in St. Claire. It's familiar, realistic and - my favourite part - has lots of beautiful mid-century homes.

As a simmer living in Australia, I find so many worlds are very "Americana", but St. Claire (and other worlds) from Awesims have a distinct southern hemisphere feeling to them. I think St. Claire's creator is actually from New Zealand, so I guess that would explain it.