Thursday, 31 January 2013

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

New Year, New World...

I'm so in love with St. Claire by Awesims, and so glad I made the switch from Los Aniegos (which was getting really buggy).

One of my favourite aspects about St. Claire is the dense, closed-in feeling you can get in the city/down town area.

I find too many worlds in TS3 feel like vast open spaces, when I really just want my little flat in the city.

St. Claire also has gorgeous suburban neighbourhoods, which is where I think I'll start the Hart family. But as soon as Ellie is old enough, she is definitely getting a little place in the bustling city.

I love the architecture in St. Claire. It's familiar, realistic and - my favourite part - has lots of beautiful mid-century homes.

As a simmer living in Australia, I find so many worlds are very "Americana", but St. Claire (and other worlds) from Awesims have a distinct southern hemisphere feeling to them. I think St. Claire's creator is actually from New Zealand, so I guess that would explain it.